I believe in giving credit where it is due, so to the best of my ability, I try to keep this page updated with those deserving of acknowledgements for their contribution to my site, especially image credentials.
General Pages
learn to build it
main: KOBU Agency (@kobuagency)
background: Léonard Cotte (@ettocl)
built for you
main: ramon a. (use code: fDLjzqfa)
background: Artem Balashevsky (@abalashevsky)
the why
the how
main: ramon a. (use code: fDLjzqfa)
background: Bailey Anselme (@pbanselme)
main: ramon a. (use code: fDLjzqfa)
background: Steve Harvey (@trommelkopf)
dive in
main: Kari Shea (@karishea)
consultation sketches
talking: Chanaya Hancock (me)
meeting: Chanaya Hancock (me)
timing: Chanaya Hancock (me)
this is for you
main: ramon a. (use code: fDLjzqfa)
background: Nature Lover (@nature7886)
this isn't for you
main: ramon a. (use code: fDLjzqfa)
each phase
phase 1: Chanaya Hancock (me)
phase 2: Chanaya Hancock (me)
phase 3: Chanaya Hancock (me)
phase 4: Chanaya Hancock (me)
phase 5: Chanaya Hancock (me)
meet me
main: ramon a. (use code: fDLjzqfa)
background: Ernesta Vala (@ernesta_vala)
have questions?
main: ramon a. (use code: fDLjzqfa)